Actor. Singer. Dancer. Musician.

Whoโ€™s that girl?

Caroline Jameson (she/her) is a human in process. Sheโ€™s also an actor, singer, dancer, and musician currently working towards her B.F.A. in Music Theatre at the University at Buffalo. At UB, she is also an Honors student and Psychology minor. She developed a deep fascination for the arts since a young age, with fond memories of afternoons spent watching Shirley Temple movies with her grandmother. Her performing career took off when she made her onstage debut in โ€œThe Tortoise V.S. The Hareโ€ (photographed above) at age 8, and has not stopped loving every second of being onstage since.

She identifies as queer and neurodivergent, both of which are influential to her perspective as a theatre artist. She is an avid reader, a massive Shakespeare fan, and an enthusiast of the Oxford Comma.

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